Best quote ever.
"That's perverse. And you're naughty."
Great scripting. You took your skills and made a gem out of it. Great work.
Best quote ever.
"That's perverse. And you're naughty."
Great scripting. You took your skills and made a gem out of it. Great work.
I don't know why I turned genetic phenotypes into audio pornography. "I have my father's teeth" is something I will never know how I created, but I'm still happy that you liked it.
i liked it!
an original style, i liked it a lot. definitely something new and interesting. good job!
heh heh heh. The movie is turning out better than I thought....
needed more thought.
the pre-loader was broken, the plot non-existant, and it has no entertainment value. i'm not sure what you were aiming for here.
i really had nno idea what i was doing when i made it.
Basically i was sitting in my room saying "o gee its halloween soon and i havnt made any new situation 0's..."
and the rest... is crap, apparently
you spelled Los Angeles wrong.
are you retarded?
how can you put THIS much work into a movie, and spell "Los Angeles" wrong!?
otherwise, pretty good.
Well, it was actually part of a contest. And, uh, YOU WON!
there is a REASON they were blammed.
This is a pretty uncreative way to get around the portal rules. You're doing nothing more than resubmitting blammed material. Just because you put a menu directing us to different pieces of garbage doesn't mean you've created anything new. Just a larger pile of garbage. Enjoy it, although I'm not sure how you will.
thank you Thorfalcon, bitch.
Par-for-the-course for clocks. Absolutely terrible. Inaudibly high voices, no plot, and talking shapes with clocks on their faces.
Looks like you're thinking of another movie =(
Or something.
Sure, its been done before, but that doesn't mean that Enya being interrupted for a computer to say "carrotglock" doesn't make me laugh!
hahah, beautiful!
And that's how it works!
Clever, concise, and poignently repetitive.
No more needs to be said. Excellent work.
thanks for the review
not bad... but nothing new.
run of the mill clock movie.... cliches, inside jokes, and a plot not your own... i foured it, but damn.... i miss ki1o.
Thor, come on. I have borrowed, parodized and paid homage to formulas and clichés from Hollywood cop movies, but you're making it sound like I straight out ripped something off.
the boondock sants! the best movie EVER.
So true!
Joined on 6/13/01