damn it frank! why was i laughing at that? i gotta admit man, your catchprase is funny. :)
damn it frank! why was i laughing at that? i gotta admit man, your catchprase is funny. :)
This is seriously what the portal needs more of... Intelligent, well-done satire. (yes, the kind that i don't have the talent for! ;) ) Frank, seriously, bud. This was great. Hell, I didn't even know I was british! But seriously, the dialogue was what really made this movie. Wow, man... that's a talent you really should employ like this more often. Okay, this has all been random so far, so I'll break it down... Your talent is really improving, man... Most portal movies have nothing... Some excel by having good graphics and stupid content (see the broken saints series)... Some have good graphics and good content without any brains (see the latest Joe Zombie). But this had decent graphics, intelligent humor, and excellent dialogue.
Touche, man. Very, VERY nice!
*stands up and applauds*
yes yes yes! artistic, intruiging, grotesque, everything! newgrounds is in dire need of artists like you. everything from the music to the whole carnie theme was great! (hey, which was the artist of the last song?) anyway.. thank you!
Thanks. That last song was 'In Our Gun' by Gomez.
well yay...
except for the portal does not have 50,000 movies.
Total Portal Entries:
yeah, there have been over 50,000 submissions... but who cares?
17,560? That number is constantly in flux, up and down, because there are new submission, but there are also BLAMs. No, the number of 50,000 submissions is a milestone.
first of all, those games aren't worth PLAYING, much less making OTHER games about. that really really sucked. the content was just awful.
after "ponderance"?
right... a HISTORY project on the dangers of orbital debris?! what the hell? i better watch out for those orbital debris... because its historical... or something. needless to say, no plot here.
it was okay... but hey dipshit... why the hell would an insurance company try to sell someone insurance knowing full well that they were going to die? it WAS funny, though
Well, think about it. The incentive to buy insurance is so that they won't blow your stuff up, but Naught's just an idiot and can't suppress his evil desire to KILL!!!! Don't worry, I've thought it out. Thanks for watching!!!!
that was a cranberry? first of all, it sucked, second of all, that must be the 300th movie in NG to be "so and so clock's dead"... get something new, buttwipe.
Joined on 6/13/01